Primary Curriculum

British Campus Algeria has an innovative and creative curriculum reflecting best practice in the UK and Algeria.
The diverse and creative curriculum offered by British Campus Algeria is very carefully tailored to meet the needs of a multi national community of children.
Outstanding teaching and learning opportunities are grounded within the National Curriculum of England and adapted to the Algerian environment. Differentiated personal learning plans addressing children’s individual learning aims are identified throughout the curriculum. This is to take into account the diverse range of nationalities our school has to cater for. Assessment is both formative and summative, allowing teachers to build up a picture of the 'whole child'.

Key Stage 1 (Year 1 and Year 2):
The Key Stage 1 curriculum is based on the National Curriculum for England and Pearson curriculum for international schools.
Children are supported by professional teachers to become independent and competent learners.
Children in Year 1 experience a longer day than in EYFS, providing more opportunities to develop their personalities, natural abilities and talents.
Key Stage 1 curriculum builds on the foundations laid in the Early Years Foundation Stage. Here the teaching of specialist core subjects develops essential reading, writing and mathematics skills. The children engagement in projects, themed weeks and outdoor activities help them cultivate creative, social, and physical skills.
Through our school’s phonics-based reading and writing approach, children learn to recognise and read sounds and then put them together to form words. Maths is taught practical fun way using play and exploration. Teaching at this stage relies on hands-on activities both in the classroom and outdoors.
The curriculum places a great deal of importance on physical development so the children are given plenty of opportunities to enjoy team games, gymnastics and dance.
Learning takes place in a supportive environment where our children are challenged to try new things and take risks, which builds their confidence and resilience.

Key Stage 2 (Year 3 to Year 6):
Students in this stage follow Key Stage 2 of the National Curriculum for England, which continues to build on the foundations that are established in Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1.
Our professional teachers carry out ongoing assessment to ensure that each child continues to progress and develop to meet the standards of British Campus Algeria and the National Curriculum for England. All children are supported to acquire skills that would allow them to participate in a meaningful and active manner in their learning process.
On completion of the primary school at the end of Year 6, all British Campus Algeria students will have received a well-rounded education, will have developed a strong character and are well- prepared for their secondary education. The students take external tests at the end of year 6.
In Key Stage 2, students start focusing more on specialist subjects which include:
-Languages (Arabic & French)
-Physical Education
These subjects are taught in interesting and exciting ways including fully immersive educational experiences. For example students might spend the day as a Greek or a Roman or learn about the experiences of an astronaut. Young aspiring scientists will be able to use state-of-the-art equipment in our specialist labs.

Key Stage 3 (Year 7 to Year 9):
Key Stage 3 which is comprised of Years 7, 8 and 9 follow the National Curriculum for England.
In this stage the focus remains on the provision of a well rounded education and on a holistic development of all learners.
In Year 7, 8 and 9 students are expected to become reflective, independent learners who can take risks, collaborate well, communicate clearly and be kind, compassionate and sensitive members of an international community.
The curriculum in this stage comprises:
-ICT/Computer Science
-Art& Design
-Physical education
-Global Perspectives

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